Power Play, presented by Raytheon Technologies

FAMNM FIRST® Tech Challenge Kickoff

Register Participant


  • 📋
    Fill out Children on Campus forms
    University policy requires one Children on Campus contact information form submission for each participating minor. Click the Register Participant button above to access the form.
  • 😎
    Bring safety glasses
    Students must wear safety glasses while touring the Wilson Center, and FAMNM does not have extras! Students without safety glasses will not be able to participate in the tour.
  • 💵
    Bring a check or exact cash to pay for pizza
    Each pizza costs $12.70. Please write a check payable to FIRST Alumni and Mentors Network at Michigan or bring exact cash and coins—we don't have much spare change.
  • Plan to arrive early
    Check-in will start at , and kickoff activities will start promptly at . There is no room for error!


10:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
Game Reveal
12:30 PM
Field Reveal, Breakout Rooms
01:00 PM
01:30 PM
02:00 PM
02:30 PM
03:00 PM


Map of locations for the events on the FTC kickoff schedule